SB 1383 Reducing Short-Lived Climate Pollutants in California
Outreach & Education
Envirolutions considers outreach and education our bread and butter! We have handled many new organics program roll-outs at communities throughout the Bay Area, often that were accompanied low initial participation, mandatory compliance, and significant increases in the customer trash bill – an uncomfortable trifecta to say the least.
We pride ourselves in being able to bring customers up to speed on these new programs, making sure they understand the difference between the waste streams to minimize contamination and successfully participate, and explain how they might mitigate cost increases through decreasing garbage and increasing recycling whenever appropriate. See a couple of our profiles below for some examples of projects we have successfully completed with the support of the Recyclist database.
Under SB 1383, jurisdictions throughout California are responsible for conducting hauler “route reviews,” or annual auditing for contamination in all material streams. This can be a costly and complicated process but Envirolutions is here to make it easier! We have expertise in designing, implementing, staffing, doing the data collection, and submitting reports for this component of SB 1383 compliance. Whether serving as a subcontracted labor force for an existing project to taking on the whole project ourselves, we have the experience and know-how to complete your route reviews completely and as efficiently as possible.
Making strides to recover what would have otherwise been edible food is a tough nut to crack for all of us (pun totally intended)! This component of SB 1383 requires communities to implement programs to educate commercial food generators about the new regulations and to divert 20% of what would have otherwise been edible food away from landfills by the year 2025 (utilizing 2014 as the baseline). Additionally it is incumbent on communities to require their largest generators (known as Tier 1 and Tier 2) to report on the destinations and tonnages of food waste donated and to keep record of current record of their food donation contracts available for review at any time. Envirolutions can help with this aspect of SB 1383 by working with these larger generators, assisting them with the mandatory record-keeping and reporting, providing outreach and education to these generators on how to divert even more food waste, and finally tracking activities and compliance in preparation for statewide reporting.
SB 1383 requires all containers must have SB 1383 compliant labeling and color-coding by 2036. This means that all containers must be color-coded (blue for recycling, green for organics and grey or black for garbage) and the labels must be image based and have translation into the top 3 languages spoken in the service area. Envirolutions can be a solution for having the boots-on-the-ground support to implement bin labeling in short-order when you are ready for widespread roll out of new labels. Services could include compliance review, applying stickers, and/or technical assistance to follow up after automatic container deployment.
An Overview of SB 1383’s Organic Waste Reduction Requirements- CalRecycle