About RecyclistRecyclist creates cloud-based solutions that make solid waste program management easy. The triple-bottom-line company designs software to empower citizens, government and business with the information they need to move our world toward a more sustainable future.
Recyclist’s Software as a Service products — used by cities, counties and waste haulers — provide new visibility into waste stream data, innovative ways to track commercial outreach and compliance, and state-of-the-art digital recycling education for residents. |
Certified Consulting PartnerRecyclist Certified Consulting Partners like Envirolutions Consulting are consulting firms or organizations that have utilized Recyclist's Program Tracker to improve their client's municipal solid waste programs. Recyclist Certified Consulting Partners are great resources for municipalities who need additional help and who have experience working with all aspects of the Program Tracker.
Some projects we partnered with them on include Mission Trail Waste Systems (MTWS) and the City of San Ramon/ Alameda County Industries. |